Angelica Lockheart-Reese

Age: 43
Birthday: March
Height: 5'8"
Build: Slim
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Dark Brown
Marital Status: Married (Mike Reese)
Children: No
Family: Mother, (father dead), one sister (Charlotte), (brother dead)

Background: Life was good. Her upbringing a happy one. Most of her joy came from interaction with her older brother, Angeal. Growing up had normal ups and downs and the future looked bright, until her brother was wrongly accused and thrown into prison with a death sentence on his head. Backstabbed by his own lawyer, the sentence carried. Angelica's world fell apart, and her mind was immediately set to become a lawyer herself, helping those like her brother. Determination won out and she excelled in her field, rising to the top. The only thing she lacked were close relationships as she learned to close people off to protect herself from the hurt of love. Work led to a working partnership with TJY, also leading to her new employment. Along the way, romance enveloped her and Reese, leading to their eventual marriage.

Other: Though having a hard hell around her heart, a soft side exists for her sister, and for those in need or hurting. Justice is her main goal.

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