Carson Gabriel Banks

Age: 35
Birthday: November
Height: 5' 11"
Build: Broad/ athletic
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde
Marital Status: Married (Misty)
Children: One daughter (Mackenzie)
Family: Parents dead, older sister dead, one younger sister (Danielle), younger half-brother (Alec)

Background: Born and raised in Australia. Lived a double-life of wild with friends, though reserved at home. Followed in his father's footsteps to begin working for the Agency, at which time he did not know were criminals. After all but his younger sister were gunned down, he was forced to become an Agency assassin at 22, moving up to become their best, and most feared torturer. Spending a lot of time in the US sent him on a case that overlapped TJY. Getting caught, he gradually shifted to work for their side. Ups and downs led him every which way, dating Misty Miller, reuniting with his sister, getting fired from TJY, and breaking up with Misty, finally landing a job at Mom and Pop's. Finding the Lord changed his life, bringing him back to Misty to eventually marry her, and also blessing him with part ownership of Mom and Pop's. Though running the restaurant full time, he remained signed on to the Elite for special cases. Discovering he had a daughter changed things again, proving God wasn't finished with his story yet.

Other: Loves to run, and jogs in the mornings. Goes against the flow in most cases, not caring what other people think. Would do anything for Misty. Brief relationship with Jess Fisher.
Former Agency Information: agent 372, security code 113, enforcement division, clearance level 3.

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