Charlotte Lockheart-Parker

Age: 31
Birthday: April
Height: 5'6"
Build: Petite
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Dark Brown
Marital Status: Married (Bret)
Children: One son Nicholas (1)
Family: Mother, (father dead), one sister (Angelica), (brother dead)

Background: The blissful ignorance of youth followed her throughout her childhood years. Despite the death of her brother, it was a tragedy that her youthfulness was able to move past as easily as possible. Popularity wasn't a problem for her, with her spunk, wit and pretty features. Throughout her years in school, she followed her sister's footsteps with good grades, though her spare time was spent in more fun than studying. A special someone was found, and a relationship blossomed to the point of engagement, but abuse reared its ugly head, ruining the chance at a future together. She took to alcohol to drown her problems, but it became a problem of her own, leading to the need for rehabilitation with her sister's help. Overcoming that biggest obstacle, life soon led her to Nevada where "fate" would give her a chance meeting with Bret Parker...and the rest became sweet memories.

Other: Spunky, full of life and loves adventure. A good beer is alright, but time with Bret is even better. Loves being a mother.

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