Conrad (Con) Thomas Gibbs

Age: 39
Birthday: May
Height: 6'9"
Build: Broad/muscular
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde
Marital Status: Married (Jamie)
Children: No
Family: Parents dead, one sister (Laura)

Background: Normal childhood, involved in some sports. Parents died when he was sixteen, and he took care of his little sister, dropping school at seventeen to get his GED and work full-time. Getting into police work, he rose quickly, though became harsh. At twenty, and explosion hospitalized him. Later finding the one responsible, he took it out on him, and then was kicked off the force for brutality. Carter found him, brought him to TJY and trained him further. Later Con became a Christian, along with his sister. After several unfortunate events, he quit TJY. Struggling to find his place within other jobs, he eventually returned to TJY, despite a declining hearing loss.

Other: Compassion and justice drive him, and his size often used to his advantage. He loves kids, and has a close relationship to his Uncle Dan and his Aunt Paula. Deaf in his left ear. Partial hearing loss in his right.

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