Susanne Ellie Baker

Age: 43
Birthday: April
Height: 5'5"
Build: Slim
Eyes: Green
Hair: Brown/Graying
Marital Status: Single
Children: No
Family: No immediate family

Background: Shyness kept her in the corner most of her childhood, not gaining many friends. Popularity was only something to be dreamed about. Once out of school it wasn't much better, job hopping to make enough money to be on her own, once her parents died. Eventually left with not much to live on, she desperately looked for a good job, and her prayers were answered through Reese. Becoming his personal secretary became her life and TJY became her home.

Other: Has a small circle of friends and a church family for support and occasional fun. Usually proper, it takes a lot to get her to let go and have fun, but she's loved by the TJY staff. Sometimes being a "mother" to the younger staff comes through. Dating Chuck Graham.

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