Derek Randall Stevenson

Age: 44
Birthday: April
Height: 6'5"
Build: Athletic
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Marital Status: Married (Gina)
Children: Three sons Jason and Trey (by Cindy) and Nicholas (Nick) (by Gina). One daughter Elizabeth (Liz)
Family: Father (Austin), mother dead

Background: Raised without a father around was tough, and even tougher as he grew older. A rebellious nature separated him from his mother during his teenage years, and trouble was his middle name. Gaining Cindy as a girlfriend resulted in a son he wouldn't know about until later, after he'd already dumped her for another girl. Several years on the wrong side wound up getting his path crossed with his father's, and that of the TX gang. Taking an interest for a while, he involved himself in fighting the enemy, though soon it got too intense, and he withdrew. Moving to Wisconsin and trying to forget about his past, he started over, marrying a preacher's daughter, and becoming a Christian himself. Settling down with a family of his own would later be stated by him as the best thing he ever could have done.

Other: Has a talent for music. Works at a business firm and helps out at church.

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