Dalton Heathrow

Age: 28
Birthday: May
Height: 6'8"
Build: Broad/Muscular
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Marital Status: Single
Children: No
Family: Father, Mother

Background: Though his parents tried to shield him from a cruel world, it couldn't always protect him, and getting picked on at school for his size was something he learned to suffer through. At home was love, but outside of that, his self-esteem had been shattered enough that a shell formed at an early age, and to most, he appeared arrogant. The horror of a house fire left him with both physical and mental scars, orphaned with a hard life in front of him. But through it all, his interest in computers led his education, and his desire to pursue justice led his career. Landing in Arizona at a TJY branch, he was able to help fight injustice with his keen talent for technology. Later he was able to transfer to the main TJY headquarters in Nevada. Though finding it awkward at first, his new coworkers soon discovered that he might be hard on the outside, but on the inside he was just as soft as they.

Other: Seems to be cocky, but once relaxed, he can be fun and gentle. Loves his sunglasses and thrives on Mountain Dew and beef jerky. Though it takes a while to make a friend, once there, his loyalty shines through. Nicknamed Hulk. Best friend is Scott Johnson. Dating Danielle Banks.

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