Xander Jenkins

Age: 50
Birthday: April
Height: 6'1"
Build: Muscular
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Dark Brown
Marital Status: Married - Abby (36)
Children: James (10), Colton (8) and Violet (3)
Family: Unknown

Background: What would be a normal family life to most, to him became boring, and it was no surprise when out of high school, he hit the road, looking for something better...something more. Fortune seeking didn't lead him far, but did land him at a ranch in Texas where he met Rosetta. Learning of the fight against the enemy, he jumped in with enthusiasm, growing to be more than friends with Rosetta. But as time and trials would have it, all relationships were strained, including theirs, and feeling it was his time to move on, he did. Still with the itch for adventure though, "normal" jobs just wouldn't cut it, and soon he found himself working for the Agency - undercover to help slowly destroy them from the inside out, no matter what it took. Eventually it led him to officially working with the newly established Elite, who sent him to California where he deepened his ties in the Agency. In the meantime, another hole in his life was filled when he met his future wife. Three kids later, life couldn't be better. Despite his dangerous job, their home was a happy and peaceful one. Then it would all change and he would soon rediscover his roots back in Texas.


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