James (Jim) Bradyn Henson

Age: 47
Birthday: July
Height: 6'
Build: Slim
Eyes: Steel Blue
Hair: Red/graying
Marital Status: Married (Becky)
Children: Two sons (Clint and Tyler), one daughter (Rosalyn)
Family: Three brothers (Mick, Tyler, Wes), one sister (Annie), (Samantha died). Parents?

Background: Grew up in adopted family. Fairly normal life until discovering the web of lies about his family. Wandering, he met Mick, starting to find his siblings. Traveled a while to right some wrongs and also met Rosetta. Meeting Becky, it wasn't long until they were married and had three children, though Tyler was secretly given up for adoption for fear of Agency interference. He was involved with the TX gang fighting against the Agency for a long while. After splitting up with both the gang and Becky for safety, they were finally reunited. Taking up residence at the R/M Ranch with his family, later he would also be reunited with Tyler.

Other: Loves animals and has veterinary experience.

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