Tyler (Ty) Aaron Henson

Age: 24
Birthday: September
Height: 5'10"
Build: Slim
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Red
Marital Status: Single
Children: No
Family: Parents Jim and Becky, sister Rosalyn, brother Clint

Background: Because of the Agency, his parents gave him up for adoption when born. He was raised in a not-so-loving family and struggled immensely in school. Moving out on his own as soon as he could, he found trouble and eventually was found by TJY. As his history surfaced, so did the truth about who his real parents were. Staying in Nevada, he gained a job with the Elite as a janitor. Unable to read, it was discovered he had a condition that could be helped, improving not only his reading, but his confidence. Wanting more out of life, he hopes to one day be able to do more than janitorial work for the Elite.

Other: Great with math. Still struggles somewhat with reading. Dating Libby Sargent. Gradually getting to know his real family.

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