Maria Lucy Estevan

Age: 36
Birthday: June
Height: 5'6"
Build: Thin
Eyes: Green
Hair: Brown
Marital Status: Divorced (from Bret Parker)
Children: No
Family: Three sisters, parents

Background: Grew up on the ritzy side of town. Spoiled, along with her two sisters, she had everything she wanted. That didn't keep her out of trouble though. Leading cheerleader at school, and girlfriend of the quarterback, popularity didn't come hard. Throwing college out the window, it was parties and spending money that kept her busy. Later, she met Bret, and married him after dating for three months. It seemed like it was meant to be, but soon it was a divorce that split them apart.

Other: Hangs out at the Flaming Speedway. In and out of relationships, including one with Pat.

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