Libby Sargent

Age: 25
Birthday: May
Height: 5'4"
Build: Petite
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Auburn
Marital Status: Single
Children: No
Family: Mother, stepfather, brother

Background: Father died when she was very young, so memories of him are sparse. During that hard time in life, her mother started drinking and hasn't put the bottle down since, even after marrying for money. Libby's stepfather was verbally abusive from the beginning and often threatened physical abuse as well if Libby misbehaved. Finding herself alone most days, the quiet was found to be peaceful, away from the family turmoil. Her older brother became lazy and gave her a bad time whenever she was around, making family functions unbearable. After one final beating by her stepfather, she moved out. Her favorite times are those spent at the arcade or in a corner with a good book.

Other: Works at the library. Living with Danielle Banks. Dating Ty Henson. Loves to read.

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