Maggie Driers

Age: 29
Birthday: March
Height: 5'6"
Build: Medium
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Light Brown
Marital Status: Single
Children: No
Family: One brother (Nate)

Background: As a young child, it didn't take her long to figure out that she was different than most of the other kids at the playground. She just couldn't think as fast, and sometimes the others made fun of her awkwardness. Words that haunted her were "slow," "retarded" or "special." But one person really could make her feel special, and that was her brother. Whether he was there or not, she adored him. And when he took full responsibility for her, she blossomed, her love and life a shining light for those around her.

Other: Nate is the most important thing to her, and though kept busy with activities and special tutoring at the local college, the best part of the day is when Nate gets home from work. Janet Johnston lives in an adjoining house and is like a mom to her, helping her through the days when Nate and Laura are busy or away. Her laughter is contagious, and one can't help but return the unconditional love she shares.

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