Casey (Tom Carter) Stevenson

Age: 81
Birthday: May
Height: 6'
Build: Thin
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Gray
Marital Status: Single
Children: Two sons (Austin, Sam)
Family: No living immediate family.

Background: A normal childhood in an average home shaped him into a young man eager for life. A few close friends and ambitions for the future led him to business school after graduation, where he met the woman he would later marry. Finding where money was, he started an adoption agency. But when business became less than legal and his wife found out, she left him, taking her two sons with her. Casey would later learn that she died in a car accident, and the two boys were placed in the foster system. Too deeply involved in his own life, he abandoned his old ways, continuing with his racket. Eventually, the Agency got involved, building on his businesses. When he wanted out, it was too late. Now being used by the Agency and framed for numerous events, he finally dropped everything and ran. Teaming up with his now-adult son (Austin), he tried to involve himself with the TX gang but was rejected with distrust, and was eventually taken by the law. Once out, he committed to fighting against the Agency and soon after, TJY was born. Years later, he would turn over authority and leadership to Austin.

Other: Declining health. Whereabouts unknown - some believe he may be dead.

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