Gage Terry Pelzer

Age: 28
Birthday: October
Height: 5'11"
Build: Athletic
Eyes: Olive
Hair: Brown
Marital Status: Single
Children: No
Family: Father unknown. Mother dead. No siblings known of.

Background: Born and raised within the Agency. A robot to their dealings, it's all he ever knew. Taught the rough side, he was brainwashed and believed that's all there was to life. Though sent out on assignments, no time was ever allowed for him to see what was in the world. Eventually caught by the Elite, he was put in a rehabilitation program and befriended by Sapphire Johnson. It wouldn't take long to fall in love. Maybe life was looking up after all.

Other: Skilled fighter. Strong on the outside, timid on the inside. Nicknames include GT. Likes to draw. Loves lemonade.

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