Alice Whitt-Mitts

Age: 27
Birthday: December
Height: 5'5"
Build: Slim
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Marital Status: Married (Kyle)
Children: Twins (babies, Jack and Joy)
Family: Parents

Background: Had an average childhood. Not in want, but not spoiled. Loving life and adventure she sought to be an actress, but it wasn't meant to be. Instead, she took to writing about the lives of others and soon learned it was something she loved to do. Becoming a journalist for What's Up? magazine, she used her talents to share what he world looked like through her eyes, also shown through her blog. After meeting Kyle Mitts, she pursued his story, following him on his journey and later gaining a close relationship with him.

Other: Fascinated with Kyle, even after marriage. Lives life to the fullest. A strong Christian. Nicknames include Pepper.

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