
Age: 22
Birthday: December
Height: 5'10"
Build: Thin
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Marital Status: Single
Children: No
Family: Mother (Victoria)

Background: Born into the Agency, he had little hope of any kind of future. Experimented on as any Agency baby, he endured much as a child and knew nothing of the outside world. Programmed as an experimental soldier, he failed to assimilate in the final stages. Tests were abandoned, portions of his memory were systematically erased, and he was placed on a new drug that would suppress any emerging memories, along with subduing his senses. Taken to the Agency estate, he was trained to be a simple groundskeeper, charged with caring for the rose gardens. Staying out of the way and learning to be content with the simplest of routines, he knew nothing but his work. The only person who was ever kind to him was Cassandra, daughter-in-law to Medridge, who gave him a new purpose behind the scenes. But once she was gone, he was alone once more. Until warning Victoria that her life was in danger, and being swept away with her to the States and to the Elite where a new world awaited.


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