Garret Jackson

Age: 36
Birthday: October
Height: 5' 10"
Build: Athletic
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Brown
Marital Status: Single
Children: None
Family: Unknown

Background: Taken in by the Agency at a very young age, growing up to be their soldier. Early on, his skills caught Medridge's eye, making him a candidate to later become Medridge's right hand man. Despite numerous skills and a high Agency rank, his heart betrayed him when he fell in love. And it was that love that drove him to the brink of insanity, and a plan of escape from the Agency and into the arms of the Elite.

Other: Knows how to fly a helicopter. Is fluent in German, French and Russian. Likes chocolate ice cream and classical music, and has a thing for dill pickles. Visible, long scar running under his right ear and curving down the back of his neck. Smaller scar on the top of his right hand. Real name is Hans Schrader, now used as a private alias.

Significant scenes:
Being sold by his parents.
Agency memories 1
Shooting Victoria's mother, Cassandra
Arriving in NV

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