Zachary (Zach) Holmes

Age: 30
Birthday: August
Height: 5' 10"
Build: Trim
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Dark brown
Marital Status: Single
Children: No
Family: Parents, younger sister (Andrea)

Background: Grew up in a quiet town, thriving in a small school and giving his life to God. His parents were loving, though his father was tough on him, pushing him to "be a man" when in high school. Getting a job straight out of school was a must - not an option, forcing him to mature quickly. Once in college, he continued to work and moved from home, searching for what he wanted to do with his life. Though unsure of his faith at times, he ultimately believed God was in control and wanted to do His will.

Other: Adores his sister. Works for an auto dealer. Loves animals and volunteers at a shelter. Friends with Beth Parker.

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