Mackenzie Banks-Truman

Age: 13
Birthday: June
Build: Thin
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde
Marital Status:
Family: Father (Carson), adopted parents (Ken and Jeanette Truman), adopted sister (Tina - 12)

Background: Raised by a single mom until her mother died and she was placed in an orphanage. Always wanting to meet her father, she developed a stubbornness to see it happen, running away multiple times to search for him. Eventually meeting him, it was an awkward experience and she was forced to return to the orphanage. Finally adopted, her new father was abusive and she was placed back in the system. Later she was adopted by Ken and Jeanette and also allowed to see Carson, always hoping to spend even more time with him, even though he showed little interest.

Other: Has anger issues due to her hard upbringing. Likes strawberry shakes. Loves Carson and Misty and her uncle Alec. Lives in Lewis City.

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