Stacy Cullen

Age: 40
Birthday: April
Height: 5'7"
Build: Athletic
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Sandy
Marital Status: Single
Children: One daughter (Ashlee)
Family: Parents

Background: Fair childhood as an only child. Ever since she was little, she was fascinated by policemen and knew early on she wanted to join law enforcement. Once out of high school, she attended the police academy and quickly gained skills and respect. Aside from her passionate pursuit of her career, she met Rich and fell in love, marrying soon after. Busy with her relationship and her job as a policewoman, the news of pregnancy came as a surprise. Rich wanted nothing to do with being a father, and left her before Ashlee was born. Though devastated, Stacy was determined to survive on her own - and she did. Raising Ashlee alone wasn't easy, nor was home-schooling while working, but she managed, and as her daughter became older, a close bond was formed. Later being offered a job at the R/M ranch for extra security, she chose to move Ashlee and herself to Texas in search of a better life for them both.

Other: Would do anything for her daughter. In a relationship with Eric Pent.

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