Quinn Bailey Thornton

Age: 29
Birthday: November
Height: 6'
Build: Fit
Eyes: Grey/Blue
Hair: Brown/Red
Marital Status: Single
Children: No
Family: Parents, younger brother, Axel

Background: Normal childhood in a quiet town. Did well in school and stayed out of trouble while being fairly popular. His best friend was always his younger brother, Axel. Once out of high school, he attended a local college without knowing for sure what he wanted to do, though was able to still live at home and find temporary jobs. But when Axel was convicted of rape and sent to prison, the family fell apart. Their parents, under the pressure of a judgmental public, moved away. Quinn stayed for a short time longer, but overcome with disappointment and the feeling of betrayal, he also left without ever seeing his brother again. On the move, he wandered, giving up school and picking up odd jobs in music shops, or temporary singing gigs. Later his path unexpectedly crossed with Axel, causing a chain of events that would lead to healing.

Other: Musical. Analytical. Sometimes uses the stage name of Quinnby. Dating Anastasia Graham.

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