Rosalyn Macey Henson

Age: 27
Birthday: June
Height: 5'4"
Build: Petite
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Sandy Blonde/Red
Marital Status: Single
Children: No
Family: Father (Jim), mother (Becky), two brothers (Clint (twin), and Ty)

Background: A quiet childhood, she was the more peaceful child in the family. Growing up not knowing Jim was her father, and not knowing about their brother, Ty, it was a unique upbringing, but not one she disliked. While Clint was more rambunctious, she spent more time with her mother or by herself, eventually graduating, going to college for two years, then working at a law firm as a secretary. As the TX gang reunited, she found out about her family and accepted it well, finally knowing the truth. Helping out at the R/M ranch and living there was different, but safe.

Other: Likes horses and dogs. Close to her mom. Has dreams of her own, but is held back from them.

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