Laura Haley Gibbs-Driers

Age: 30
Birthday: June
Height: 5'5"
Build: Petite
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde
Marital Status: Married (Nate)
Children: One son (Brian (2) )
Family: Parents dead, one brother (Conrad)

Background: Parents died when she was 7, and she was then raised by her sixteen-year-old brother. His involvement in law enforcement got her interested herself, and she found herself joining TJY when old enough and able. Falling in love with Nate was not something she'd planned on, but after his persistent pursuit, it was inevitable. Later she transferred to the local police station, then quit for the time being to be with their newly born baby.

Other: Very strong character, bold and trained to do her job well. The only struggle occurs when it comes to men, after a bad experience while dating a few years back, though Nate has helped her greatly. Has a very close bond with her brother.

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