Jennifer (Jen) Summer Mitts

Age: 28
Birthday: August
Height: 5'7"
Build: Thin
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Marital Status: Single
Children: No
Family: Brothers Phil and Kyle (twin), mother, stepfather

Background: Life was peaceful. Life was happy. Being born into the Mitts family would have to make one smile. Though ups and downs were experienced through her brothers' lives, then the death of her father, her smile remained. Pursuing karate as a child, then moving on to gymnastics, her talent shone through her love of physical activities. Tragedy struck when an accident on the gymnastics floor left her paralyzed from the waist down. At the age of twenty-two, the crippling was hard to accept. Therapy began and improvement was made, but doctors said she would never walk again. Being involved in JetStream became her focus.

Other: Her smile is always there, as is her loving advice for others. Her will to survive has gotten her far, and despite doctors, she continues to work towards walking again. Once dated Mike Kelly.

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