Jade Abigail Henson

Age: 20
Birthday: June
Height: 5'4"
Build: Slim
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Red
Marital Status: Engaged
Children: No
Family: Mother (Jill), father (Mick), stepfather, one brother (Dylan)

Background: Being daddy's little girl came naturally, leading to a happy childhood. When divorce struck their home, her world shattered. Separation from her daddy was the worst punishment possible, for something she hadn't even done. Despite harsh words about Mick from her mother and grandmother, she always wanted to see him again. Feeling as though she didn't belong in her family, and not getting along with her stepfather, she left to search for her real father. Finding him, at first it was not a happy reunion, but eventually the road was smoothed out. After moving to the R/M Ranch, she met Dan Palmer to whom she is now engaged.

Other: Dated Jason Stevenson at one point. Loves life, and feels there is more waiting for her. Friends with Katie Pent. Loves Dan with all her heart. Owns a Palomino mare named Sugar.

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