Rosetta Pent-Henson

Age: 49
Birthday: June
Height: 5'8"
Build: Petite
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Red
Marital Status: Married (Mick)
Children: Adopted son (BJ)
Family: Brothers Trent (twin), Jeff, Eric, Jay. Parents?

Background: Grew up in an orphanage and eventually hit the streets, getting involved with the wrong crowd, on the wrong side of the law. In and out of trouble, she crossed paths with those she would later come to know well. Sent to the W/K ranch for community service, she met Mick, and together they began to discover family secrets, unraveling the mysteries, and became involved with fighting the enemy. Later when the TX gang broke up, she continued life at the R/M ranch with her best friend, Angel, until everyone was reunited. Though dating Wes for a while, it was Mick her heart belonged to, and eventually they were married.

Other: Known for her big heart, calmness during a crises, and her unconditional love. Will fight until the death for her family and friends. Her most enjoyed times are with those she loves. Was given Beauty, a coal black mare (a descendant of Bucker) as a gift from Mick.

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