Rebecca (Becky) Alice Henson

Age: 47
Birthday: August
Height: 5'3"
Build: Petite
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Marital Status: Married (Jim)
Children: One daughter (Rosalyn), two sons (Ty and Clint (Rosalyn's twin))
Family: Parents

Background: Simple town, simple family, simple life. Growing up was easy. School was a cinch, and finding friends wasn't hard. Love at first sight was proven to exist, even if her parents didn't believe in it, and it didn't take long for her to be married to Jim. With Jim's veterinary apprenticeship, the job of fighting the enemy, and her with twins on the way, life was no longer easy, but it was worth it. Through trials and struggles, they survived, until they separated as spouses for eighteen years to protect their family, also enduring the hardship of giving up their third child. Reunited again at the R/M ranch proved their relationship was meant to last. Later her dream of finding her second son would also come true.

Other: Known for her quietness and sweet disposition. Her love is spread far and wide to those around her, strengthening around her family. Enjoys living at the ranch with her husband and Clint and Rosalyn. Always tried to keep in contact with Ty through letters.

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