Michael (Mick) Christopher Henson

Age: 49
Birthday: June
Height: 5'10"
Build: Muscular
Eyes: Steel Blue
Hair: Red/graying
Marital Status: Married (Rosetta)
Children: one son (Dylan), one daughter (Jade) (from first marriage). One adopted son (BJ) (nephew)
Family: Brothers Tyler, Jim, Wes, one sister Annie (triplet, Samantha died) Parents?

Background: Grew up on the wrong side of town. Tossed around as a kid. Got into trouble, then forced to the WK ranch in TX, meeting up with Rosetta. Years of trouble battling Casey and discovering falsehoods and truths about his family. Separated from the TX gang, he married Jill Anson, had two kids, then divorced due to accusations against him. In the meantime, his job was with the Agency until he realized they were the enemy. Returning to TX, he entered rehabilitation for his drinking, started up the case against the Agency once more, and eventually married Rosetta. Not long after, BJ would come into their lives and be officially adopted by them. Later, Mick's daughter would find him and ask to live with him at the ranch. Then soon after, his son, Dylan, would also live with them in an attempt to stay out of trouble and remain safe from the Agency.

Other: Hot temper, loves horses, and loves his wife. Takes defending the family seriously. Owns Remington, a feisty bay Thoroughbred/Quarter Horse gelding.

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