Lukas (Luke) James Trahern

Age: 48
Birthday: March
Height: 5'11"
Build: Thin
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde
Marital Status: Married (Angel)
Children: Stepdaughter (Wendy)
Family: ?

Background: An orphanage was all he knew until placed in a foster home...and another...and another. Too much trouble to handle, once on his own, it was the law he finally crossed. Getting thrown into the system by way of community service, his own path finally crossed Angel Lachey's. Though attracted, he never would have dreamed, what their friendship would lead to. Winding up with the TX gang, fighting the enemy and seeking justice, he grew. All the while, his relationship with Angel grew as well, though too scared to make a move, Trent beat him to it, it seemed. But it wasn't meant to be. Years later, the chance was still there. And this time, he wouldn't let it slip by.

Other: Lives at the R/M ranch. Accident left him with nerve damage in his back, some days making it almost impossible to walk. But being by Angel's side makes all the difference in the world.

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