Jay Pent

Age: 50
Birthday: January
Height: 5'10"
Build: Medium
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Red
Marital Status: Married (Jessica)
Children: One son (Joshua (10)), three daughters (Katherine [adopted niece], Kelsey (23) and Melissa (20) [stepdaughter])
Family: Three brothers (Jeff, Trent, Eric), one sister Rosetta. Parents?

Background: Raised in a happy adopted family, life was fairly normal. Grew up in an average town, never really searching for the past or true family ties. Eventually he married and had three children. Around the same time, he began crossing paths with blood family, discovering brothers and a sister. Jeff was closer than others, getting to know the children. Lack of involvement with the TX gang was a caution against his family being attacked. Later his wife and baby son died during childbirth. After that, his relationship with Katie fell apart. Though remarrying and trying to hold the family together, it was a struggle, and finally he sent Katie to be with his sister. Eventually their relationship was mended, but only soon before the truth was revealed that Katie's true father was Jeff.

Other: Owns a dog kennel. Loves his family. Doesn't interact much with his brothers and sister because of fear of the Agency, though he's always wanted to be more involved.

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